Accles and Shelvoke Online
The stunning and bolt stunner equipment company, Accles and Shelvoke, are expanding online. Over the past few months the UK based company have set up a number of profiles on various social-networking websites. Besides the Facebook and Twitter profiles set up by the supplier of cable spikers, the company have also explored bookmarking online.
This is where a user can save and share website pages with other online users. Digg and also StumbleUpon are very popular ways to share news stories found online. An example of bookmarking can be found on the BBC website, where on each news page there is a StumbleUpon logo. You press the logo to bookmark the news page on your StumbleUpon profile and so be able to share them with your followers of your bookmarking profile.
Accles and Shelvoke have set up a StumbleUpon profile which they will update monthly with the latest online news from the agriculture, farming and cattle slaughter industries. The news stories from the BBC website and Google news will be available for online users of the bookmarking website to follow and read.
You can follow the Accles and Shelvoke profile by clicking the logo below. Or you can find out more about the UK based stunning equipment company by clicking a link to their website here -
bolt stunners