Monday, 31 October 2011

Accles and Shelvoke on Google Bookmarks

Accles and Google Bookmarks

Accles and Shelvoke, the cable spikers and Captive bolt stunners manufacturer based in the UK, have set up a Google Bookmarks list. This is a service online that allows Google users to create a list of links that point back to their favourite websites.

The Google Bookmarks list set up by Accles and Shelvoke contains links that are relevant to the agrciulatural and cattle farming suppliers. You can visit the list by clicking here - Cable Spikers on Google Bookmarks

Or you can find out more about Accles and Shelvoke by calling them at their West Midlands UK base on +44 (0) 121 313 4567

You can also visit their website by clicking the link here - Bolt Stunners