Friday, 29 October 2010

Cable Spikers Facebook Group

Accles and Shelvoke - Cable Spikers Facebook Group

As part of the Accles and Shelvoke online campaign to increase the company profile, a new Facebook has been created which promotes the cable spikers made and supplied to the world's electrical sector.

If you're a member of Facebook please join the Cable Spikers Group to show your support of the UK based company. Each month Accles and Shelvoke add details to their main Facebook Wall which includes information about the products the company make for the agricultural sector across the four corners of the globe.

To visit the new Cable Spikers Group, click the images below. Or for more information on the Accles and Shelvoke website, click the link in bold here - Cable Spikers

Click for Cable Spikers Facebook Group

Cox Bolt Driver

Cox Bolt Driver from Accles and Shelvoke Ltd

The Cox Bolt Driver tool from UK based Accles and Shelvoke Ltd instantly drives steel threaded bolts into plates of steel that are up to one inch thick.

The Cox Bolt Driver is safe, effective and easy to use and can be used at any depth. The loaded barrels have had simulated tests to beyond 100 metres and can ensure no recoil. The contact fire operation in the Cox Bolt Driver provides complete safety for the responsible diver. There is no drilling required which therefore saves a lot of time and money when using the tool. Hollow bolts are available for injection of air, gas and foam. And a wide range of bolts and punches available for the Accles and Shelvoke manufactured Cox Bolt Driver.

For further information about the Cox Bolt Driver from Accles and Shelvoke you can call the company on +44 0121 313 4567

Or you can visit Accles and Shelvoke online by either clicking on the Cox Bolt Driver image below or clicking on the link in bold here - Cox Bolt Driver

Click for Cox Bolt Driver details

Cable Spikers on Twitpic

Accles and Shelvoke Update Twitpic

The manufacturers of cable spikers Accles and Shelvoke have updated the Twitpic page. New images have been added that include the Cox Bolt Driver that is manufactured by the UK based company.

Each month Accles and Shelvoke add new images of products they design and provide to agriculture and electrical sectors across the world.

If you would like to find out more about the products provided by Accles and Shelvoke, please click the link in bold here - cable spikers

Accles and Shelvoke and Social-Media

Accles and Shelvoke Join Plurk

Plurk is a new social media website which is similar to Twitter. Accles and Shelvoke have recently joined the social-media website, where they will post monthly details on the cable spikers, bolt stunners and humane slaughter equipment designed and manufactured by the UK based company.

Accles and Shelvoke Ltd make products for agricultural and electrics industries across the world, and have been at the forefront of innovation for humane slaughter equipment for many years.

To find out more about the products produced by accles and Shelvoke please click on the link in bold here - cable spikers

Or to visit the new page on social media website Plurk, click the logo below.

Click for Accles and Shelvoke on Plurk